Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Ben Mor

Sunday is a quiet day on Mull...almost everything is closed. We decided that we would try and hit Ben Mor, the tallest point on Mull and one of the "Munro's" (anything over 3,000 ft). The Munro's aren't quite as impressive (by name) than Colorado's 14k club - but it was interesting to say the least!

Half the adventure was getting to the spot where we started our hike. As I mentioned the roads are predominantly single-lane with lots of "passing places". Combine this with sheep on the road, loads of blind corners and the occasional cow - it makes for good fun.

The weather was not entirely on our side...mist and fog - but no outright rain. We started our hike and enjoyed the new flowers and Kieran was very excited to find these huge black slugs that we don't have at home. The sheep were all around us - but would generally scamper away when we got too close.

We made it about 2/3 the way up and then everyone was pretty pooped; the rest of the hike up would have been pretty tough. We had some great views as the fog lifted (for a time) when we got to our highest point.

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