Friday, 13 May 2011

Day 1-2

Sorry it has taken me so long for the second posting...its been quite an adventure. We've been very busy during the day and then I have spent my other time on the web and phone with British Airways trying to find our bags. As I mentioned we had been delayed coming out of Halifax and were moved into a BA flight. Needless to say our baggage did not follow us. Three of the four bags made it to us by Thursday afternoon (yes -- we had some spare a visit to the Mark & Spencer!). Kieran's bag is still somewhere in transit between Halifax-London-Manchester and Wales...he does get a few new outfits care of ADSA...a chain remarkable like Wal-Mart.

Anyway...back to the fun stuff! On Wednesday we spent a very nice day exploring Llandudno. After a nice breakfast we headed towards the Great Orme - the big hill/small mountain next to Llandudno. We had plan to travel to the top via cable car, but it was not open yet for the season.

Instead we took the cable-tram to the summit...the last working cable tram in all the U.K. The weather was mostly sunny but very windy at the top. We had great views of Wales, the Isle of Mann and towards Scotland. I have attached a picture of Sherri and the kids at the top enjoying the view.
On our way down (we hiked most of the way) we stopped off at an ancient bronze mine. It was quite an experience...and surprisingly not filled with any warnings for tall visitors. I am not a particularly burly fellow (5'9" 160lbs) and I was squeezing through many spots in the mine. This mine was over 4000 years old and had been worked by children as young as 5 and 6...wild stuff.

Dinner was fish and chips at the award wining Tram Fish 'n' Chips and Sherri was pleased -- no cod and no bones.  After dinner we strolled the pier and let the kids play on the beach. I was struck by a passing gull (the least pleasnt kind) which brought rolls of laughter to Sherri...tough crowd!

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